Operating in


Thrive Mauritania

“We welcome you to serve with us, every act of love matters”.

Noelia Soto Rivera, CEO.

WHAT IS THRIVE MAURITANIA? Thrive Mauritania, which started in 2018, is a group of people who have been impacting the lives of thousands in Mauritania. It focuses on harnessing the power of love and compassion to uplift people and communities in need by providing unwavering assistance and support, enabling them to thrive. Specifically, it provides access to the human right of water. From here, the process of oasification* begins, forests and food find fertility, hygiene and health become possible, education can flourish, and communities are empowered to create systems that allow them to thrive for years and decades to come. We serve and support the hopeless because we believe that every act of love matters in creating a positive impact.

What Keeps Us Awake

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is a sovereign state in Northwest Africa. Ninety percent (90%) of its territory is located in the Sahara desert, with limited access to water. According to the Study on multidimensional poverty in Mauritania (2022) conducted by the National Agency for Statistics, Demographic and Economic Analysis (ANSADE), in partnership with Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI) and UNICEF, about six out of ten people (56.9%) are multidimensionally poor. Rural areas are pockets of poverty that require specific attention, as nearly eight out of ten (77.1%) people live in poverty.



Our Purpose

Harnessing the power of love and compassion to uplift individuals and communities in need in Mauritania by providing potable water access, unwavering assistance, and support, enabling them to flourish and thrive. We take decisive action, recognizing the significance of every act of kindness. Whether through contributions of time, financial resources, valuable skills, or heartfelt mental and emotional support, we ensure that each effort counts towards creating a positive impact.


What we do?

  1. Provide access to water, a fundamental human right.
  2. Provide knowledge and tools to improve the quality of life in areas such as hygiene, health, agriculture, food, and education.
  3. Promote the creation of systems so that self-sustainable communities can become a reality in the years to come.
*oasification: is the antonym to desertification. With the right methods for water, soil, seeds, and nutrients, land can be restored even in tough conditions. Oasification is the solution to desertification.



Project Details

Project Details


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